home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5 ifz9=0thengosub60000
- 10 gosub7730,st
- 20 gosub1770,fi
- 30 gosub2070,intro
- 40 si=1:pokekb,.
- 50 :
- 60 onsigosub210,370,580,690,780,850,1000,1090,1320,1420,1520,1560
- 70 ifsf<3then60
- 80 :
- 90 onsi-14gosub2980,3200,3450,3480,3570,3860,3970,4000,4200
- 100 ifsi>23thenonsi-23gosub4290,4340,4420,4580,4620
- 110 ifsf<5then90
- 120 :
- 130 onsi-28gosub4850,4950,5030,5080,5130,5210,5260,5300,5380,5420
- 140 ifsi>38thenonsi-38gosub5510,5540,5610,5690,5790,5910,5940,5970
- 150 ifsf<7then130
- 160 :
- 170 onsi-46gosub6130,6250,6300,6400,6590,6690,6760,6850
- 180 goto150
- 190 :
- 200 si#1:
- 210 gosub2220:sp=.
- 220 tx$="[215]ow! [212]hat's a scary telegram! [212]his
- 230 tx$[178]tx$[170]"needs quick action to avoid a tragedy.
- 240 ch$(1)="[199]rab your earmuffs and catch the nextflight north
- 250 ch$(2)[178]"chr$o to (NULL)ears' department store and look for (NULL)anta
- 260 ch$(3)="[201]gnore it- claim the messenger got the wrong address
- 270 lk(1)[178]4:lk(2)[178]2:lk(3)[178]3
- 280 nc[178]3:[141]7380
- 290 [139]si[178]2[167]zf[178]zf[170]1
- 300 [139]ch[178]3[176]sf[167][142]
- 310 a[178]22:[141]7580
- 320 [153]"peekut it's snowing outside -
- 330 print"why don't you put your shoes on first?";
- 340 tr$="[212]hat's better.
- 350 sf[178]1:[137]7620
- 360 #2
- 370 [139]zf[177]1[167]500
- 380 tx$[178]"(NULL)ou arrive at (NULL)ears in record time. atnsking about (NULL)anta, you are
- 390 tx$=tx$+" told that heleft some time ago, looking depressed. [200]e was seen
- 400 tx$[178]tx$[170]" headed north on his sled, in a bit of a rush.
- 410 tx$=tx$+cr$+"[195]ould this be a clue?
- 420 ch$(1)[178]"ascollow his trail
- 430 ch$(2)="[199]o back home":lk(2)=1
- 440 ch$(3)="[194]uy some dishes
- 450 ch$(4)[178]"peekuy some supplies":lk(4)[178]6
- 460 nc[178]4:[141]7380
- 470 [139]ch[178]1[167]tr$[178]"(NULL)he trail leads north, toward the airport.":si[178]4
- 480 [139]ch[178]3[167]tr$[178]"(NULL)he dishes look great.":si[178]2
- 490 [142]
- 500 [153]"load(NULL)hoa - (NULL)he store is closed!":[153]"(NULL)ou'll have to wait until tomorrow
- 510 print"morning to get in.
- 520 [141]7620
- 530 [153]"right$ said you'll have to wait until":[153]"tomorrow!
- 540 gosub7620
- 550 tr$="[154][207]k, ok, it's morning now.
- 560 zf[178][171]1:[142]
- 570 #3
- 580 [141]1760:[153]"sys(NULL)ypical!
- 590 print"[217]ou know, that's the trouble with
- 600 [153]"society today: nobody cares any more.
- 610 print"[211]anta could be dying out there on the
- 620 [153]"tundra, and all you want to do is sit
- 630 print"by a warm fire and relax. [207]h well, [201]
- 640 [153]"guess this is going to be a very short
- 650 print"story. [204]et me know if you suddenly
- 660 [153]"develop a conscience.";
- 670 si[178]1:[137]2160
- 680 #4
- 690 [139]sf[177]1[167]si[178]10:tr$[178]"(NULL)our score is 3 out of 72 so far.":[142]
- 700 tx$[178]cr$[170]"(NULL)ou're at the airport now. (NULL)nfortunatelyyou don't have anything
- 710 tx$=tx$+"with you but earmuffs and shoes.
- 720 ch$(1)[178]"chr$et on a plane":lk(1)[178]7
- 730 ch$(2)[178]"chr$o back home":lk(2)[178]1
- 740 ch$(3)[178]"peekuy some supplies (a wise move)":lk(3)[178]5
- 750 ch$(4)[178]"chr$ive up":lk(4)[178]3
- 760 nc[178]4:[137]7380
- 770 #5
- 780 tr$[178]"(NULL)ell, it seemed like a wise move"[170]cr$[170]"at first.
- 790 tx$="[217]ou locate the airport gift shop. [211]adly, all they have here
- 800 tx$[178]tx$[170]"is toiletries and some chintzy gift cards -"[170]cr$[170]"the usual stuff.
- 810 tx$=tx$+cr$+"[215]hy don't you go back home and[160]try
- 820 tx$[178]tx$[170]cr$[170]"(NULL)ears' department store?
- 830 lk(1)=4:goto7370
- 840 #6
- 850 ifsf>1thensi=8:return
- 860 tx$="[217]ou buy a backpack, a very large parka,
- 870 tx$[178]tx$[170]"some mukluks, a rifle, and a year's"[170]cr$
- 880 tx$[178]tx$[170]"supply of freeze-dried turnips, on sale.
- 890 tx$=tx$+"[217]ou must look like a ghostbuster with all that stuff!
- 900 ch$(1)[178]"left$ead back home":lk(1)[178]1
- 910 ch$(2)[178]"(NULL)eep on shopping":lk(2)[178]8
- 920 ch$(3)[178]"chr$o to the airport
- 930 nc=3:gosub7380
- 940 sf=2:ifch-3thenreturn
- 950 a=22:gosub7580:syscb,16:print"[153][193]ll that shopping was tiring, so on
- 960 [153]"your way to the airport, you decide":[153]"to go home for a nap.
- 970 print"[154][208]ress a key to set the alarm.
- 980 si[178]1:[137]7620
- 990 #7
- 1000 tr$[178]"(NULL)here do you think you're going?"[170]cr$[170]"lenalifornia?"[170]cr$
- 1010 tr$[178]tr$[170]"(NULL)his is the search for (NULL)anta lenlues,"[170]cr$
- 1020 tr$[178]tr$[170]"not (NULL)anta lenruz!"[170]cr$
- 1030 tr$[178]tr$[170]"sys(NULL)et me explain this carefully:
- 1040 tx$="[153][193]re you going to travel to the north pole and strangle polar
- 1050 tx$[178]tx$[170]"bears with just your bare hands? (NULL)ead my lips:"[170]cr$
- 1060 tx$[178]tx$[170]"(NULL)ou need some supplies.
- 1070 lk(1)=4:ex$=" if you understand":goto7370
- 1080 #8
- 1090 print"[147][153][217]ou must have been 'born to shop'!":w=3400:fori=1to999:next
- 1100 print"[154][217]ou're really getting the hang of this.
- 1110 [153]"(NULL)ou buy an axe, a snowmobile, a
- 1120 print"camper's portable kitchen, a dogsled,
- 1130 [153]"and two chainsaws (in case one won't start).
- 1140 fori=1tow:next
- 1150 print"[150][201] hope your credit is good!
- 1160 [139][194](kb)[178].[167][129]i[178]1[164]w:[130]
- 1170 [153]"print(NULL)ou head for the airport and get on a
- 1180 print"plane. [213]nfortunately the weight of all
- 1190 [153]"that stuff is too much, and the plane
- 1200 print"crashes.
- 1210 [129]i[178]1[164]w:[130]
- 1220 [151]sr[171]3,8:[151]sw[171]3,2:[151]sw[170]1,20:[151]sw[170]2,58
- 1230 [129]i[178]1[164]2:[151]sw,.:[151]ra,2:[151]sw,129
- 1240 j[178]9[174]9:[151]sw,128:[151]ra,7:j[178]2[174]2:[151]ra,1
- 1250 [151]sw,0:[151]ra,1:[151]sw,129:j[178]2[174]2:[151]ra,2
- 1260 j[178]2[174]2:[151]sw,128:[151]sr[171]3,143:[129]j[178]1[164]170:[130]
- 1270 [130]:[151]ra,.:[129]i[178]1[164]999:[130]
- 1280 [129]i[178]1[164]w:[161]a$
- 1290 [139]a$[178]""[167][130]:w[178]w[172]1.5:[158]cb,24:[153]"(NULL)ress any key...";:[137]1220
- 1300 [151]sw,.:lk(1)[178]6:sf[178]1:[137]2530
- 1310 #9
- 1320 tx$[178]"(NULL)hat a long flight it is to (NULL)audi"[170]cr$
- 1330 tx$[178]tx$[170]"atnrabia. (NULL)ext time you catch the wrong plane, right$ suggest you
- 1340 tx$=tx$+" pick the [195]oncorde- you'll get lost much faster!
- 1350 ch$(1)[178]"(NULL)elax: have a drink":lk(1)[178]11
- 1360 ch$(2)[178]"lenheck out the beach":lk(2)[178]12
- 1370 ch$(3)[178]"chr$et a plane home
- 1380 nc=3:gosub7380
- 1390 ifch=3thentr$="[217]ou have better luck this time.":si=10
- 1400 return
- 1410 #10
- 1420 tx$="[200]ow you got all that equipment through the security check, [201]'ll
- 1430 tx$[178]tx$[170]"never know. chr$ood thing you brought a credit card, topay for
- 1440 tx$=tx$+"your ticket. [212]hat helpful clerkpointed down this walkway, but
- 1450 tx$[178]tx$[170]" there areso many planes.
- 1460 ch$(1)="[212]ake the blue plane
- 1470 ch$(2)[178]"(NULL)ake the red plane
- 1480 nc=2:gosub7380
- 1490 ifch=2thensf=3:si=15:zf=.:return
- 1500 tr$="[207]h no - you got on the wrong plane!":si=9:return
- 1510 #11
- 1520 tr$=cr$+"[196]idn't you know?
- 1530 tx$[178]"(NULL)here's no drinking allowed here! (NULL)et'stry again.
- 1540 lk(1)=9:goto7370
- 1550 #12
- 1560 tr$=cr$+"[212]hat's not a beach: it's the desert.
- 1570 tx$[178]"atnnyway, right$ don't see (NULL)anta lenlaus here.
- 1580 lk(1)=9:ex$=" to go to the airport":goto7370
- 1590 :
- 1600 syscb,19,18:print"[150][172][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][187]";:r$="[146]
- 1610 [153]r$"get you'd quit now? get";
- 1620 [153]r$"getf1 start over get";
- 1630 [153]r$"getf3 resume search get";
- 1640 [153]r$"getf7 "xx$"get";
- 1650 [153]r$"logwaitnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewcoswait";
- 1660 [141]7950:[141]7620
- 1670 [129]i[178]19[164]24:[158]cb,i,18:[153]" ";:[130]:[141]7540
- 1680 [139]ch[178]1[167][156]:ml[178]1:[137]10
- 1690 [139]ch[171]7[167][158]cb,19:[137]7390
- 1700 [151]53274,.:[151]56333,129:[158]65418:[151]53273,1:[151]53269,.
- 1710 [151]808,237
- 1720 [139][194](2)[178].[167][153]"load":[151]53281,.:[162]:[128]
- 1730 a$[178]"hello connect":[141]7660
- 1740 [139]a[178]63[167][147]a$,8
- 1750 [141]7690:[137]1730
- 1760 :
- 1770 rn[178]16:sl[178]2040:[151]bg,208:[139]sp[178]1[167]7570
- 1780 a1$[178]"=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=
- 1790 a2$="[177][178][177][178][177][178][177][178][177][178][177][178][177][178][177][178][177][178][177][178][177]
- 1800 a3$[178]">=>=>wait >=>=>
- 1810 a4$="[178][177][178][177][178][146] [178][177][178][177][178]
- 1820 [151]53265,11:[151]sx[170]16,.
- 1830 [151]sx,159:[151]sx[170]2,169:[151]sx[170]4,180:[151]sx[170]6,168:[151]sx[170]8,169
- 1840 [151]sx[170]1,144:[151]sx[170]3,133:[151]sx[170]5,142:[151]sx[170]7,149:[151]sx[170]9,55
- 1850 [151]sx[170]10,101:[151]sx[170]11,90:[151]sx[170]12,128:[151]sx[170]13,90
- 1860 [151]sl,13:[151]sl[170]2,14:[151]sl[170]3,15:[151]sl[170]4,13:[151]sl[170]5,11:[151]sl[170]6,11
- 1870 [151]53271,.:[151]53275,.:[151]53277,.
- 1880 [151]53276,111:[151]sc[171]2,1:[151]sc[171]1,7
- 1890 [151]sc[170]4,10:[151]sc[170]5,10:[151]sc[170]6,14
- 1900 [151]sw[171]2,30:[151]sw[170]1,1:[151]sw[170]2,0
- 1910 [151]sr[171]12,kb:[151]sr[171]9,129
- 1920 [153]"load"[163]14)"absusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrint
- 1930 printtab(14)"[182] [181]
- 1940 [153][163]14)"abs int
- 1950 printtab(14)"[182][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][181]
- 1960 [153][163]8)"forfrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefre
- 1970 printtab(9)a1$:printtab(9)a2$:printtab(9)a1$
- 1980 fori=1to3
- 1990 printtab(9)a3$:printtab(9)a4$
- 2000 next:printtab(9)a3$
- 2010 syscb,13,16
- 2020 print"[151][164][149] [163][163][163][163]
- 2030 [153][163]16)"pokeandtotab(waitverifyusrusrforandandand
- 2040 sp=1:syscb,rn
- 2050 pokesx+21,127:pokesx+17,27:return
- 2060 :
- 2070 print"[154][201]t is a winter evening, like so many
- 2080 [153]"others, spent sitting comfortably at the";
- 2090 [153]"fireside. (NULL)he flickering, crackling
- 2100 print"flames soon lull you into a feeling of
- 2110 [153]"warmth and security. (NULL)he newspaper is
- 2120 print"packed with the usual cheer - terrorist
- 2130 [153]"bombings, hurricanes, election results.
- 2140 print"[194]ut what's this... a messenger?";
- 2150 sc(1)=1:sc(2)=2:sc(3)=7:sc(4)=8:sc(5)=9:sc(6)=10:sc(7)=4
- 2160 fori=0to1
- 2170 pokesc+(peek(sr)and3),sc(peek(sr)and7)
- 2180 pokesl+(peek(sr)and3),13+rnd(1)*3
- 2190 ifpeek(sr)<37thenpokesw,.:pokesw,129:pokesw-3,40+kb*rnd(1)
- 2200 i=peek(kb):next:geta$:return
- 2210 :
- 2220 gosub1760
- 2230 print"[154][204]et's read the telegram that came:[153]
- 2240 a$[178]"(NULL)anta lenlaus is missing and believed":[141]2310
- 2250 a$[178]"lost. (NULL)ou must help! (NULL)o many children":[141]2310
- 2260 a$[178]"will be disappointed if lenhristmas is":[141]2310
- 2270 a$[178]"cancelled. left$e was last seen wandering":[141]2310
- 2280 a$[178]"in the atnrctic bush... there are so many":[141]2310
- 2290 a$[178]"dangers, and so few clues. (NULL)lease help.":[141]2310
- 2300 [137]2160
- 2310 :
- 2320 [151]sw[171]3,60:[129]i[178]1[164][195](a$)
- 2330 [153]"andcmd"[202](a$,i,1);
- 2340 [151]sw,11[172](i[175]3):[130]:[153]
- 2350 [151]sc[170]([194](sr)[175]3),sc([194](sr)[175]7)
- 2360 [151]sl[170]([194](sr)[175]3),13[170][187](1)[172]3
- 2370 [142]
- 2380 :
- 2390 [153]"loadprint"tr$:tr$[178]"":[153]tx$:[129]i[178]1[164]450:[139][194](kb)[178].[167][130]
- 2400 [153]"(NULL)ooks like you forgot all about (NULL)anta,
- 2410 print"and [195]hristmas. [212]he next
- 2420 [153]"morning's newspaper reported that
- 2430 print"[211]anta's body was found, frozen stiff.
- 2440 [129]i[178]1[164]700:[139][194](kb)[178].[167][130]
- 2450 [153]"(NULL)oo bad. (NULL)hat's a tragic end to
- 2460 print"the story, and to the tradition":print"of [195]hristmas.
- 2470 [153]"right$ hope you're pleased with yourself.
- 2480 fori=1to700:ifpeek(kb)=.thennext
- 2490 print"[211]ince your quest is dead, you
- 2500 [153]"might as well be, too.
- 2510 pokekb,.:gosub7360:lk(1)=si
- 2530 gosub7950:print"[147][152]"tab(94)"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]
- 2540 [153][163]13)"/"[163]24)"/sgn
- 2550 fori=1to11
- 2560 printtab(13)" [146] [165]":next
- 2570 print"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][152] [146]/[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]
- 2580 [158]cb,6,15:[153]"print#(NULL). right$. (NULL).
- 2590 syscb,17:print"[154][217]ou're dead.":pokekb,.
- 2600 iflen(e$)thenprint"[196]oes that tombstone look familiar?":goto2710
- 2610 print"[208]lease write an epitaph for your":print"tombstone:
- 2620 [153]" <on
- 2630 print"[175][157]";
- 2640 geta$:ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint" ":goto2710
- 2650 ifa$=chr$(20)theniflen(e$)thene$=left$(e$,len(e$)-1):goto2690
- 2660 ifa$<" "ora$>"[218]"then2640
- 2670 ifa$>chr$(129)thenifa$<chr$(160)then2640
- 2680 e$=e$+a$
- 2690 printa$;:iflen(e$)<22then2630
- 2700 pokesw,33:pokesw-3,kb:pokesw,32
- 2710 y=13:iflen(e$)<10theny=18.5-len(e$)/2
- 2720 syscb,8,y:print"[152]"left$(e$,11);
- 2730 iflen(e$)<21theny=24-len(e$)/2
- 2740 syscb,10,y:printmid$(e$,12)
- 2750 syscb,24:print"[158][208]ress a key...";:pokekb,.
- 2760 gosub7620
- 2770 gosub7950:nc=2:ifdc>0then2910
- 2780 a$="[211]ince you're new at this,
- 2790 [139]df[167]a$[178]"(NULL)aybe that wasn't fair.
- 2800 ifdf=2thena$="[217]ou never learn, do you!
- 2810 [139]df[178]3[167]a$[178]"mid$ust one more time,
- 2820 print"[147][153]":fori=1to3800:next:print"[212]ell you what:":fori=1to1600:next
- 2830 printa$:print"[201]'ll give you another chance.
- 2840 [153]"cont(NULL)ress:print
- 2850 print"[198]1 [195]ontinue searching
- 2860 [153]"asc3 valnd the search & cancel lenhristmas
- 2870 dc=dc+10:df=df+1
- 2880 gosub7390
- 2890 ifch=1thenreturn
- 2900 :
- 2910 print"[147][153][196]ead as a tearose in the [193]rctic winter.
- 2920 [153]"cont(NULL)ress:contprint
- 2930 print"[198]1 try again, hopefully better next time[198]3 "xx$
- 2940 nc=2:gosub7390
- 2950 ifch=1then1680
- 2960 goto1700
- 2970 #15
- 2980 gosub3700:si=16
- 2990 print"[193]fter a rough flight that is enough to
- 3000 [153]"tie your stomach in knots, the bush
- 3010 print"plane bounces to a powdery landing at
- 3020 [153]"a remote (NULL)ukon work camp. atns you
- 3030 print"gather your belongings and prepare to
- 3040 [153]"leave the plane, you begin to wonder
- 3050 print"what you are doing here. [200]owever, the
- 3060 [153]"thought of (NULL)anta lenlaus wandering
- 3070 print"helplessly in the bush drives you":print"onward.
- 3080 [153]"(NULL)ress a key to climb out of the plane.";
- 3090 :
- 3100 [151]sw,.:sl[178]255:[151]sw[170]1,sl:[151]sw[170]2,sl
- 3110 c[178]2000:b[178]20:[151]sr[171]3,7:[151]bg,248:[151]sc[171]6,.
- 3120 [151]sw,129:[129]i[178]0[164]1:[141]3150:i[178][194](kb):[130]
- 3130 [161]a$:[142]
- 3140 :
- 3150 [151]ra[170]1,sl:[139][187](1)[172]15[179]1[167]b[178][187](1)[172]99[171]45:sl[178]sl[170](sl[177]99)
- 3160 c[178]c[170]b:[139]c[179]699[167]b[178]40
- 3170 [139]c[177]3000[167]b[178][171]40
- 3180 [151]sw[171]4,c[175]255:[151]sw[171]3,c[173]256:[142]
- 3190 #16
- 3200 [141]3700
- 3210 [153]"cont(NULL)he wind is howling, whipping snow in
- 3220 print"your face like sandpaper. [201]t's already
- 3230 [153]"knee deep, and drifting around your
- 3240 print"legs. [217]ou appreciate that one last hot
- 3250 [153]"rum you had on the plane.
- 3260 print"[201]t's just about pitch black here in the
- 3270 [153]"long arctic winter. right$n the eerie glow
- 3280 print"from the northern lights, you can
- 3290 [153]"barely make out the trail of sled
- 3300 print"runners disappearing to the north.
- 3310 [153]"right$t's your only clue.";
- 3320 [141]3120
- 3330 :
- 3340 [141]3700:[153]"cont(NULL)hat do you do now?
- 3350 print"[155][198]1 [198]ollow the trail
- 3360 [153]"asc3 lenheck the map":lk(2)[178]17
- 3370 [153]"asc5 (NULL)alk to the bush pilot
- 3380 print"[198]7 [199]o into the work camp for directions
- 3390 nc[178]4:[141]7390
- 3400 [139]ch[178]1[167]si[178]20:[139]sf[177]3[167]si[178]26
- 3410 [139]ch[178]3[167]zf[178]zf[170]1:si[178]18:[139]zf[177]1[167]si[178]19
- 3420 [139]ch[179]4[167][142]
- 3430 si[178]22:[137]7950
- 3440 #17
- 3450 [153]"sys(NULL)ap? (NULL)hat map??
- 3460 si=16:nc=.:goto3120
- 3470 #18
- 3480 tx$="[212]he pilot wishes you success with your
- 3490 tx$[178]tx$[170]"mission. left$e waves cheerily as he slams
- 3500 tx$=tx$+"the door shut and revs the engine. [200]e
- 3510 tx$[178]tx$[170]"doesn't seem concerned by your frantic screams.
- 3520 ch$(1)="[199]et in the plane
- 3530 ch$(2)[178]"valxplain that you need the snowshoes
- 3540 ch$(3)="[215]ave goodbye
- 3550 sp[178][171]1:nc[178]3:[141]7380
- 3570 tx$[178]"atns the lights of the plane fade into the
- 3580 tx$=tx$+"glowering darkness, you realize that
- 3590 tx$[178]tx$[170]"you are losing your last contact with
- 3600 tx$=tx$+"civilization. [211]oon the buzz of the
- 3610 tx$[178]tx$[170]"engine is swallowed by the howling wind.
- 3620 ch$(1)="[199]o back home":lk(1)=19
- 3630 ch$(2)="[210]eason with the pilot":lk(2)=19
- 3640 ch$(3)="[210]eturn to the trail":lk(3)=20
- 3650 ch$(4)="[199]o into the work camp":lk(4)=22
- 3660 sp=-1:nc=4:gosub7380
- 3670 ifsi=19thentr$="[200]ow can you do that? [212]he plane is gone!
- 3680 [137]3420
- 3690 :
- 3700 rn[178]12:[139]sp[178]2[167]7570
- 3710 a1$[178]"list cmdcmd +cmdcmdsgnabscmdcmdintabscmdcmdgetwaitgetcmdcmdabsgetcmdcmdabsintcmdcmd+sgncmdcmd+
- 3720 print"[147]"a1$
- 3730 syscb,0,17:printmid$(a1$,18)
- 3740 syscb,0,32:printmid$(a1$,18)
- 3750 syscb,0,37:printa1$
- 3760 syscb,6,4:print"[181] [182]
- 3770 [158]cb,7,4:[153]"int abs
- 3780 syscb,8,5:print"[149]======
- 3790 [158]cb,9,5:[153]"========
- 3800 syscb,10,3:print"[152][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]
- 3810 [158]cb,6,5:[153]"verify cmdon waitcmdonprint#.on . ono on(NULL)
- 3820 syscb,7,21:print".*
- 3830 [158]cb,2,21:[153]".*.on.*list
- 3840 syscb,rn:sp=2:return
- 3850 #20
- 3860 ifsf>3thensi=26:return
- 3870 tr$="[212]he trail is faint, and the blowing snowis covering it fast.
- 3880 tx$[178]"(NULL)our feet sink into the powdery snow,
- 3890 tx$=tx$+"making you wish you hadn't left your
- 3900 tx$[178]tx$[170]"snowshoes on the plane. peeketter yet, a
- 3910 tx$=tx$+"snowmobile would be great. [212]he trail is
- 3920 tx$[178]tx$[170]"almost completely hidden now.
- 3930 ch$(1)="[212]urn back":lk(1)=16
- 3940 ch$(2)="[199]o on":lk(2)=21
- 3950 sp=-1:nc=2:goto7380
- 3960 #21
- 3970 print"[147][150][201] think you'd better turn back.":si=16
- 3980 nc=.:goto3120
- 3990 #22
- 4000 if(ls-16)*(ls-19)then4020
- 4010 gosub7950:tr$="[217]ou push open the door to the work camp.
- 4020 tx$[178]"atn rowdy scene greets your eyes and ears.
- 4030 tx$=tx$+"[193]t least two dozen loggers are gathered
- 4040 tx$[178]tx$[170]"around the tables of the mess hall,
- 4050 tx$=tx$+"singing and generally having a good"+cr$
- 4060 tx$=tx$+"time. [211]lapping you on the back, they
- 4070 tx$[178]tx$[170]"find you an empty seat.
- 4080 ch$(1)="[194]uy a snowmobile":lk(1)=25
- 4090 ch$(2)="[200]ave a beer
- 4100 ch$(3)[178]"(NULL)ake a friend":lk(3)[178]23
- 4110 ch$(4)[178]"left$ead out":lk(4)[178]16
- 4120 nc[178]4:[141]7380
- 4130 [139]ch[171]4[167]tr$[178]"(NULL)hose guys sure are friendly.
- 4140 ifch-2thenreturn
- 4150 si=24:tr$=tr$+cr$+"[193]nd that's good beer!
- 4160 bf[178]bf[170]1:[139]bf[177]1[167][142]
- 4170 tx$[178]"(NULL)ou feel much more relaxed now.
- 4180 goto4080
- 4190 #23
- 4200 tx$="[217]ou make a new friend quickly."+cr$
- 4210 tx$=tx$+"[200]e listens intently to your tale"+cr$
- 4220 tx$=tx$+"about [211]anta. [211]lapping you on the"+cr$+"back generously, he
- 4230 lk(1)[178]22:[139]sf[177]3[167]4270
- 4240 tx$[178]tx$[170]" insists that you borrow his snowmobile.
- 4250 sf=4:ex$=" to thank him":gosub7370
- 4260 tr$="[212]hat should be handy.":return
- 4270 tx$=tx$+" has another"+cr$+"cool, clear one.":goto7370
- 4280 #24
- 4290 tx$="[201]n fact, you have several cool, clear
- 4300 tx$[178]tx$[170]cr$[170]"lenanadian beer. atnfter a few more hours
- 4310 tx$=tx$+"of storytelling, you fall asleep.
- 4320 lk(1)[178]22:[137]2390
- 4330 #25
- 4340 tx$[178]"left$owever, they are soon offended by your
- 4350 tx$=tx$+"crass attempts at negotiation."+cr$
- 4360 ifsf>3thentx$=tx$+"[217]our friend already agreed to lend you
- 4370 [139]sf[177]3[167]tx$[178]tx$[170]"his (NULL)kidoo, and now you've really upset him."[170]cr$
- 4380 tx$[178]tx$[170]"(NULL)uite firmly, they suggest that your"[170]cr$
- 4390 tx$[178]tx$[170]"money is no good here, and you should step outside.
- 4400 lk(1)=16:ex$=" to retreat":goto7370
- 4410 #26
- 4420 print"[147][153][212]here are many dangers on this trail...
- 4430 [153]"why, the infamous (NULL)ad (NULL)rapper of the
- 4440 print"[217]ukon could be waiting around the very
- 4450 [153]"next corner, but are you afraid? (NULL)(NULL)!
- 4460 print"[154][217]ou are zipping along at warp speed on
- 4470 [153]"your borrowed snowmobile. (right$ sure hope
- 4480 print"you're going in the right direction).
- 4490 [153]"print(NULL)he trail branches up ahead.
- 4500 ch$(1)="[199]o left
- 4510 ch$(2)[178]"chr$o right
- 4520 ch$(3)="[199]o back
- 4530 nc[178]3:[141]7310:[141]7390
- 4540 [139]ch[178]3[167]si[178]16:sp[178].:bc[178].:[142]
- 4550 [139]ch[178]bc[167]si[178]28:[142]
- 4560 bc[178]3[171]ch
- 4580 tr$[178]"load(NULL)rong - you picked the wrong branch.
- 4590 tx$="[212]his trail looks terrible."+cr$+"[204]et's try again.
- 4600 [141]7380:[137]4540
- 4610 #28
- 4620 [153]"loadprint(NULL)hat's better.":[153]"right$'m really sure this is the right way.
- 4630 print"[215]ell, fairly sure. [194]ut the trail is
- 4640 [153]"getting faint, and the wind is blowing
- 4650 print"harder. [201]t's almost whiteout conditions.";
- 4660 print"[205]aybe you were right the first time!":print"[207]h well...
- 4670 [129]i[178]1[164]29:[141]3150:[139][194](kb)[178].[167][130]
- 4680 [153]"right$ think you might be getting lost.
- 4690 sf=5:zf=.:bc=.:pokekb,.:gosub7360
- 4700 print"[147][153][213]ndeterred, you bounce along the trail.
- 4710 [129]i[178]1[164]1300:[130]:[153]"atnnd on...
- 4720 fori=1to20:gosub3150:next:print"[193]nd on...":fori=1to1300:next
- 4730 print"[193]fter one large bump, your rifle falls off the back of the seat.[154]
- 4740 [129]i[178]1[164]40:[141]3150:[130]:[153]"(NULL)ou're making such good progress...
- 4750 print"[204]et's not worry about details!
- 4760 [153]"print(NULL)ou and the snowmobile make a great
- 4770 print"team, and you cover a lot of distance
- 4780 [153]"along what appears to be the trail.
- 4790 fori=1to39:gosub3150:ifpeek(kb)=.thennext
- 4800 print"[212]hings are going so well now - makes me nervous!
- 4810 [153]"cont(NULL)ress a key to keep going.
- 4820 pokekb,.:gosub3120:gosub7950:sl=.
- 4830 tr$="[196]on't say [201] didn't warn you!
- 4850 tx$[178]"(NULL)he trail is blocked by an immense polar
- 4860 tx$=tx$+"bear. '[215]ild [203]ingdom' was never like
- 4870 tx$[178]tx$[170]"this! (NULL)ooks like...def>(NULL)rouble<
- 4880 ch$(1)="[210]un for your life":lk(1)=30
- 4890 ch$(2)="[212]urn the snowmobile around and take off":lk(2)=33
- 4900 ch$(3)="[215]restle with the polar bear":lk(3)=31
- 4910 ch$(4)="[207]ffer the bear some food":lk(4)=32
- 4920 ifbc>4thench$(1)="[195]all for '[200]elp'":lk(1)=39
- 4930 nc=4:bc=bc+1:goto7380
- 4940 #30
- 4950 tr$="[217]ou remember to grab the snowshoes that are tied to the [211]kidoo.
- 4960 tx$[178]"ascortunately you get a little bit of a
- 4970 tx$=tx$+"head start, as the bear stumbles over the snowmobile."+cr$
- 4980 tx$=tx$+"[194]ut that just makes her mad!"+cr$
- 4990 tx$=tx$+"[217]ou are running like crazy."+cr$+cr$+"[213]nfortunately the polar
- 5000 tx$[178]tx$[170]"bear is crazier.atnnd you're trying to run in snowshoes!
- 5010 lk(1)=36:goto7370
- 5020 #31
- 5030 tr$="[212]he bear cheats: she scratches and bites
- 5040 tx$[178]"peekut you struggle free, and limp back to the work camp."[170]cr$
- 5050 tx$[178]tx$[170]"(NULL)our injuries take months to heal.
- 5060 lk(1)=29:goto2390
- 5070 #32
- 5080 tr$="[212]he bear is not impressed by your"+cr$
- 5090 tr$=tr$+"freeze-dried turnips, but eats them anyway."+cr$
- 5100 tx$="[204]ooks like you're dessert.
- 5110 lk(1)[178]29:[137]7370
- 5120 #33
- 5130 [139]zf[167]si[178]35:[142]
- 5140 tr$[178]"atnn excellent choice, master.
- 5150 tx$="[217]ou are escaping from the polar bear.
- 5160 tx$[178]tx$[170]"(NULL)nowmobiles can be handy sometimes. right$f
- 5170 tx$=tx$+"only there wasn't that annoying rattle
- 5180 tx$[178]tx$[170]"in the motor...
- 5190 gosub7370:a=22:gosub7580:syscb,10
- 5210 print"[212]he rattle is getting worse.
- 5220 [153]"(NULL)o be more precise, the engine has
- 5230 print"stopped. [199]uess you should have borrowedsome gas, too.
- 5240 zf[178]1:lk(1)[178]29:[137]7360
- 5250 #35
- 5260 tr$[178]"right$ told you, the snowmobile is"[170]cr$[170]"out of gas!!!
- 5270 tx$="[212]ry to pay attention here, ok?
- 5280 bc[178]5:lk(1)[178]29:[137]7370
- 5290 #36
- 5300 tr$[178]"(NULL)he bear is gaining fast.
- 5310 tx$="[208]retty soon she will be all over you like a cheap suit. [212]his is
- 5320 tx$[178]tx$[170]"a threateningsituation that calls for drastic action.
- 5330 ch$(1)="[211]hoot the bear":lk(1)=37
- 5340 ch$(2)="[195]heck the backpack":lk(2)=38
- 5350 ch$(3)="[212]urn back":lk(3)=29
- 5360 nc=3:bc=bc+1:goto7380
- 5370 #37
- 5380 tx$="[210]emember that bump you hit, back there on the trail?"+cr$
- 5390 tx$=tx$+"[193]nd your rifle fell off the [211]kidoo? [210]emember??
- 5400 lk(1)[178]36:ex$[178]", you turkey":[137]7370
- 5410 #38
- 5420 tr$[178]"(NULL)ummaging through your backpack, you are
- 5430 tr$=tr$+"surprised to find a hand grenade. [201]n
- 5440 tr$[178]tr$[170]"desperation, you throw it at the bear.
- 5450 tx$="[197]ver a resourceful creature, the bear
- 5460 tx$[178]tx$[170]"pulls the pin and throws it back.
- 5470 ex$=" to duck":gosub7370
- 5480 tr$="[211]orry... [201] know that was a 'cheap shot'.[201] just couldn't resist.
- 5490 si[178]29:[142]
- 5500 #39
- 5510 sf[178]6:tx$[178]"(NULL)hy don't you try hiding?
- 5520 gosub7370
- 5540 print"[147][153][212]here aren't many great places to hide
- 5550 [153]"here, so you plunge off the trail into
- 5560 print"a snowbank. [193]mazingly your ploy works,
- 5570 [153]"and the polar bear wanders off, looking
- 5580 print"puzzled. [215]hy didn't you think of that sooner?
- 5590 [141]7360:a[178]22:[141]7580:[158]cb,9:[137]5620
- 5600 #41
- 5610 [153]"load
- 5620 print"[153][213]nfortunately you have now":print"completely lost the trail.
- 5630 [153]"(NULL)ou stumble for hours across the
- 5640 print"endless frozen tundra.
- 5650 [153]"def<< atn(NULL)(NULL) right$(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) >>":[151]kb,.:[141]7360:sl[178]sl[170]1
- 5660 [139]sl[177]3[167]sl[178]1:tx$[178]"(NULL)omehow you stumble back to camp.":lk(1)[178]42:[137]2390
- 5670 tr$[178]"((NULL)r so it seems, anyway.)"[170]cr$[170]"atnctually, it's not that bad.
- 5690 tx$="[202]ust as frostbite is about to celebrate victory,
- 5700 tx$[178]tx$[170]"you stumble upon an valskimo"[170]cr$[170]"settlement.
- 5710 ch$(1)="[199]o into the village and ask for help":lk(1)=43
- 5720 ch$(2)="[203]eep on stumbling":lk(2)=41
- 5730 ch$(3)="[199]o back to the trail
- 5740 sf[178]6:nc[178]3:[141]7380
- 5750 [139]ch[171]3[167][142]
- 5760 tr$[178]"(NULL)hy did you come back here??":sf[178]5:si[178]29:sl[178]sl[170]1:[139]sl[177]3[167]5660
- 5770 [142]
- 5780 #43
- 5790 tx$[178]"valven in your dazed state, you remember
- 5800 tx$=tx$+"to ask if anyone has seen [211]anta.
- 5810 tx$[178]tx$[170]cr$[170]"(NULL)oo bad you skipped valskimo classes in
- 5820 tx$=tx$+"school, because you don't understand a word of their response.
- 5830 ch$(1)[178]"(NULL)alk louder till they understand
- 5840 ch$(2)="[199]o back to school":lk(2)=44
- 5850 ch$(3)="[204]ook for the [197]skimo phrase book in your backpack":lk(3)=45
- 5860 ch$(4)="[212]ry to follow their directions anyway":lk(4)=46
- 5870 nc=4:gosub7380
- 5880 ifch=1thentr$="[198]unny - that doesn't seem to be working.":si=43
- 5890 return
- 5900 #44
- 5910 tr$="[194]e serious:":tx$="[212]his is no time for frivolity!
- 5920 [137]7370
- 5930 #45
- 5940 tr$[178]"(NULL)ope...":tx$[178]"right$ don't see any phrase book here.
- 5950 goto7370
- 5960 #46
- 5970 print"[147][153][212]here is one particularly short
- 5980 [153]"valskimo who seems to understand":[153]"your predicament, and leads
- 5990 print"you to his igloo.":print"[154][217]ou might as well go in.
- 6000 [153]"printatnfter a warming meal of blubber, you
- 6010 print"carefully explain once again how
- 6020 [153]"(NULL)anta is lost, and you are searching for him.
- 6030 print"[193]s the [197]skimo slowly removes his parka, you instantly recognize ";
- 6040 print"him as one of [211]anta's elves.":print"[215]hat a surprise![154]
- 6050 [153]fk$(1)"left$ave some more blubber
- 6060 printfk$(2)"[193]sk about [211]anta":lk(2)=47
- 6070 printfk$(3)"[204]eave":lk(3)=42
- 6080 sf=7:nc=3:gosub7390
- 6090 ifch=1thensi=46:print"[147][153][212]hanks.":goto6000
- 6100 ifsi=42thensf=6
- 6110 return
- 6120 #47
- 6130 print"[147][153][201]t's amazing how much room there is in an igloo.
- 6140 [153]"(NULL)he elf does not answer your repeated
- 6150 print"inquiries about [211]anta, but instead
- 6160 [153]"leads you into another room, then
- 6170 print"into a small elevator.":fori=1to550:ifpeek(kb)=.thennext
- 6180 print"[211]ilently, he presses the down button.
- 6190 [153]"atns the elevator drops, you wonder...
- 6200 ch$(1)="[193]sk about [211]anta
- 6210 ch$(2)[178]"(NULL)ry to leave
- 6220 nc=2:gosub7310:gosub6480
- 6230 ifch=3thentr$="[217]ou can't leave now... when you're so close!
- 6250 tx$[178]"(NULL)till the elf ignores your questions.
- 6260 nc=.:gosub7270:gosub6490:gosub6520:pokera+3,y
- 6270 tr$="[197]ventually the elevator stops, and opensto reveal a huge under
- 6280 tr$[178]tr$[170]"ground workshop.
- 6300 tx$="[207]ne figure towers above the many elves -
- 6310 tx$[178]tx$[170]"it's (NULL)rs. (NULL)anta lenlaus!
- 6320 tx$=tx$+cr$+"[201] have a feeling your quest has"+cr$+"nearly ended.
- 6330 ch$(1)[178]"ascrantically tell her about (NULL)anta":lk(1)[178]51
- 6340 ch$(2)[178]"left$ead back to the elevator":lk(2)[178]50
- 6350 ch$(3)[178]"(NULL)ook at the toys the elves are making
- 6360 nc=3:gosub7380
- 6370 ifch=3thensi=49:tr$="[212]he toys look great. [212]ry not to drop them.
- 6380 [142]
- 6390 #50
- 6400 [153]"loadprint(NULL)he elf goes with you, for the ride up.
- 6410 print"[193]ren't you still worried about [211]anta?
- 6420 [153]"(NULL)ress a key if you care.
- 6430 gosub6550:a=ra+1
- 6440 fori=11to218step2:pokex,i:pokera+3,i+y:next
- 6450 ifpeek(kb)=.then6440
- 6460 pokekb,.:gosub6520:goto6180
- 6470 :
- 6480 x=ra+1:y=32:pokebg,208:poke54287,7:gosub6550
- 6490 fori=218to11step-2:pokex,i:pokera+3,i+y:next
- 6500 ifpeek(kb)=.then6490
- 6510 geta$:goto7540
- 6520 pokesw,20:fori=5100to999step-119
- 6530 pokesw-3,i/256:pokesw-4,iand255:next:return
- 6540 :
- 6550 pokesw+1,148:pokesw+2,250:pokesw,21
- 6560 fori=2646to5330step79:pokesw-3,i/256:pokesw-4,iand255:next
- 6570 return
- 6580 #51
- 6590 print"[147][205]rs. [195]laus listens patiently while you recount your lengthy ";
- 6600 print"quest for clues to [211]anta's disappearance.
- 6610 [153]"deflenhuckling softly, she explains that":[153]"(NULL)anta isn't lost at all-
- 6620 print"but he did go away for a while.
- 6630 [153]"(NULL)hat with all the rush at lenhristmas,
- 6640 print"he likes to take a quick trip to the
- 6650 [153]"sunshine, as soon as most of the
- 6660 print"toys are ready for delivery.
- 6670 ex$[178]" to find out more":[141]7360
- 6690 [141]7040
- 6700 [153]"it's a simple case of...
- 6710 print" 'here today, gone to maui'
- 6720 [153]"this postcard arrived this morning
- 6730 print"from hawaii: it shows the view":print"from santa's hotel room.";
- 6740 poke53265,27:gosub7620
- 6760 gosub7570
- 6770 print"santa ran off in a hurry because he
- 6780 [153]"had to get packed. he didn't have
- 6790 print"time to mention it to anyone, so
- 6800 [153]"maybe some folks got the wrong idea.
- 6810 print"too bad you came all this way
- 6820 [153]"for nothing!
- 6830 gosub7620
- 6850 pokesx+17,11:gosub7950:gosub1760
- 6860 print"[158][196]arn!!
- 6870 [153]"print(NULL)he good news is that (NULL)anta's ok, so we
- 6880 print"won't have to cancel [195]hristmas.
- 6890 [153]"cont(NULL)he bad news is that you've been
- 6900 print"wasting a lot of your time, and mine,
- 6910 [153]"chasing all over the world for nothing!
- 6920 gosub2160:gosub7570
- 6940 print"[194]ut thanks to you, thousands of kids can";
- 6950 print" sleep better tonight, knowing that
- 6960 [153][163]13)"(NULL)anta is safe!
- 6970 printtab(50)"[150][211]easons' [199]reetings!
- 6980 [153]" from right$an atndam and everyone at (NULL)oadstar.def
- 6990 gosub2160:gosub7570
- 7000 print"[154][208]ress:[154][153]
- 7010 [153]"asc1 try again, hopefully better next timeasc3 "xx$
- 7020 [141]2160:[141]7540:[137]2950
- 7030 :
- 7040 rn[178]17:[139]sp[178]5[167]7570
- 7050 a$[178]"stop(NULL)peek(NULL)printoncmdcmdcmdcmdcmd(NULL)spc(spc((NULL) print\cosoncmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdnotspc(spc(print(NULL)(NULL)spc(printnot
- 7060 poke53265,11:print"[147][142]
- 7070 a[178]26:b[178]6:[141]7150
- 7080 [158]cb,7:a[178]19:b[178]2:[141]7150
- 7090 [158]cb,16,2:[153]a$[163]20)"sys(NULL)peek(NULL)printoncmdcmdcmdcmdspc(rnd\(NULL)notoncmdcmdcmdcmdcmdnotspc(right$\listspc("[163]34)a$
- 7100 [153]" sysstep (NULL)":[153]" ":[153]" (NULL) waitstep
- 7110 syscb,8,11:print"[169][223]":printtab(10)"[169][182] [223]":printtab(10)"[158][162][162][162][162]
- 7120 [151]ra,14:[151]ra[170]1,128:[151]ra[170]2,3:[151]ra[170]3,132:[151]ra[170]4,6
- 7130 [158]cb,rn:sp[178]5:[142]
- 7140 :
- 7150 [153][163]a[171]1)"printstepwaitsteponcmdstepwaitsteponcmdstepwaitsteptab((NULL)(NULL)stepwaitsteptab((NULL)(NULL)cmdwait(NULL)(NULL)cmdwait(NULL)(NULL)
- 7160 printtab(a)"[169][146][169][145][157][169][146][169][145][157][169][146][169][223][223][169][146][169][223][223][157][146][223][223][157][146][223][223][145]
- 7170 [153][163]a[170]5)"onverifysgn waitsgn
- 7180 printtab(a+5)"[182] [182]
- 7190 [153][163]a[170]6)"
- 7200 printtab(a+6)"[180] [146][180]
- 7210 [153][163]a[170]6)"get waitget
- 7220 printtab(a+6)"[182] [182]
- 7230 [129]i[178]1[164]4:[153][163]a[170]6)"then then":[130]
- 7240 [129]i[178]1[164]b:[153][163]a[170]7)" ":[130]
- 7250 [142]
- 7260 :
- 7270 [141]7570,cl
- 7280 [153]"print"tr$:tr$[178]"
- 7290 print"[153]":printtx$
- 7300 ifnc=.thenprint:print"[154][211]o press a key"ex$".":ex$="":return
- 7310 syscb,10:print"[158][196]o you:[154]
- 7320 [129]i[178]1[164]nc
- 7330 [153]fk$(i)ch$(i):[130]
- 7340 [142]
- 7350 :
- 7360 nc[178].:[141]7300:[137]7390
- 7370 nc[178].
- 7380 [141]7270
- 7390 w[178]2500[171]900[172](sp[175]2)
- 7400 [129]i[178]1[164]w
- 7410 [139][194](kb)[178].[167]7490
- 7420 [161]a$:[141]7540:[139]ch[177]7[167]1600
- 7430 [139]nc[178].[167]ch[178]1:nc[178]1
- 7440 [139](ch[175]1)[178].[167]7460
- 7450 ch[178]ch[173]2[170].5:[139]ch[179][178]nc[167]si[178]lk(ch):dc[178]dc[170](dc[177][171]12):[142]
- 7460 ch[178].:wk[178]wk[170]1:[139]wk[177]mk[167]wk[178]1
- 7470 a[178]22:[141]7580:[153]wk$(wk)
- 7480 i[178]i[171]999
- 7490 [139]sp[175]2[167][141]3150
- 7500 [130]:cc[178]cc[170]1:[139]cc[177]mc[167]cc[178]1
- 7510 a[178]22:[141]7580:[153]cc$(cc)
- 7520 w[178]w[172]1.5:[137]7400
- 7530 :
- 7540 ch[178][197](a$):[139]a$[177]"input#"[167]ch[178][198](a$)[172]2[171]265
- 7550 [142]
- 7560 :
- 7570 a[178]rn:[151]kb,.:[139]sp[179]1[167][153]"printload";:[151]sx[170]21,.:[142]
- 7580 [129]i[178]24[164]a[169][171]1:[158]cb,i
- 7590 [153]" on":[130]
- 7600 [153]"print";:[142]
- 7610 :
- 7620 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]7620
- 7630 [142]
- 7640 :
- 7660 [159]1,8,15,"r0:"[170]a$[170]"="[170]a$
- 7670 [132]1,a:[160]1
- 7680 [142]
- 7690 [153]"right$nsert program disk; press (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)
- 7700 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 7710 return
- 7720 :st:
- 7730 ifmlthen7780
- 7740 a$="hello connect":gosub7660:poke2,abs(a=63)
- 7750 a$="sc.ml":gosub7660:ifa=63then7770
- 7760 gosub7690:goto7750
- 7770 ml=1:loada$,8,1
- 7780 ifpeek(789)=234thensys49237
- 7790 sx=53248:sc=53287:pokesx+21,.:rem poke808,225
- 7800 sw=54276:sr=54299:kb=198:cb=679:bg=49196:ra=bg+28:cr$=chr$(13)
- 7810 fori=sw-4tosw+19:pokei,.:next:pokei,143:pokei-6,17
- 7820 gosub8500,ti
- 7830 xx$="end the program
- 7840 [139][194](2)[167]xx$[178]"back to loadstar
- 7850 fk$(1)="[198]1 [154]":fk$(2)="[198]3 [154]":fk$(3)="[198]5 [154]":fk$(4)="[198]7 [154]"
- 7860 gosub7950
- 7870 :
- 7880 readmc:dimcc$(mc)
- 7890 fori=1tomc:readcc$(i):next
- 7900 readmk:dimwk$(mk)
- 7910 fori=1tomk:readwk$(i):next
- 7920 :
- 7930 goto7620
- 7940 :
- 7950 sp=.:pokesw,128
- 7960 pokera,.:pokera+1,11
- 7970 pokera+2,15:pokera+3,32:pokera+4,240:return
- 7980 :
- 7990 data34
- 8000 data"[201]'m waiting for your response.
- 8010 [131]"left$aven't you decided yet?
- 8020 data"[212]ime is money...
- 8030 [131]"atnre you still there?
- 8040 data"[200]o-hum
- 8050 [131]"atnre you back from lunch? (NULL)ress a key.
- 8060 data"[196]o [201] have to finish this alone?
- 8070 [131]"right$f valdison were this slow, you'd have to play the game by candlelight!
- 8080 data"[211]orry, [201] dozed off. [196]id [201] miss your answer?
- 8090 [131]"left$urry up - make up your mind!
- 8100 data"[211]o many choices...
- 8110 [131]"(NULL)lease hurry up. right$ have a database appointment at 6 o'clock.
- 8120 data"[197]arth to player... come in please.
- 8130 [131]"left$urry up; right$'m freezing!
- 8140 data"[212]he snow is really piling up.
- 8150 [131]"left$ave you dozed off?
- 8160 data"[208]lease call an ambulance. [201] think you've died.
- 8170 [131]"(NULL)he arctic night lasts six months... canyou decide before morning?
- 8180 data"[208]lease signal your presence by pressing a key.
- 8190 [131]"(NULL)lease try- don't be shy- you know why- just make a choice.
- 8200 data"[210]ead my lips! [208]ress a key.
- 8210 [131]"(NULL)oohoo - right$'m still waiting!
- 8220 data"[212]ry to keep up here.
- 8230 [131]"atnll you have to do is press a key.
- 8240 data"[217]ou don't need an essay - just press a key.
- 8250 [131]"(NULL)nock (NULL)nock... who's there?
- 8260 data"[211]ome time today would be great.
- 8270 [131]"right$s there life on valarth?
- 8280 data"[212]his could take a while.
- 8290 [131]"(NULL)ou've already lost three toes to frost bite!
- 8300 data"[205]aybe we should leave this till next [195]hristmas?
- 8310 [131]"((NULL)awn)
- 8320 data"[201]t's not that tough - just press a key!
- 8330 [131]"(NULL)hat do you say we just toss a coin?
- 8340 data14
- 8350 data"[215]rong key - [212]ry again.
- 8360 [131]"(NULL)hat a novel idea!
- 8370 data"[195]an't you find the right keys?
- 8380 [131]"left$ow rude!!
- 8390 data"[195]areful- that's the key to detonate the dynamite.
- 8400 [131]"(NULL)ry to pay attention
- 8410 data"[202]ust press one of the keys listed.
- 8420 [131]"(NULL)rong.
- 8430 data"[217]ou want to [215][200][193][212]??
- 8440 [131]"(NULL)hat's the wrong key- please erase it from your screen and try again
- 8450 data"[206]ot that key!
- 8460 [131]"(NULL)top mumbling.
- 8470 data"[208]ractise makes perfect - try again.
- 8480 [131]"str$oes your keeper know you're playing with the computer?
- 8490 :
- 8500 print"[147][150]"tab(93)"[212]he [211]earch for
- 8510 [153][163]14)"(NULL)anta lenlues:
- 8520 printtab(50)"[153][193] [195]hristmas [205]ystery
- 8530 [153][163]10)"defas told to right$an atndam
- 8540 printtab(43)"[154][201]s it part legend or pure reality we
- 8550 [153]"may never know, but as we listen to the
- 8560 print"old wise man's tale of [211]anta [195]lues, the
- 8570 [153]"riddle remains unsolved today. (NULL)hy
- 8580 print"would [211]anta [195]laus, a successful public
- 8590 [153]"figure, suddenly disappear? atnnd how
- 8600 print"will the public manage without him?
- 8610 [153]" right$t's a test of your ability - can you";
- 8620 [153]"solve the puzzle? (NULL)ay close attention
- 8630 print"to the questions (there may be a quiz at";
- 8640 print"the end). [193]nswer by pressing a function";
- 8650 print"or number key; press [198]8 at any input to";
- 8660 print"quit. [215]hen there are no choices listed,";
- 8670 print"[150]press any key to continue.
- 8680 [153][163]9)"print(NULL)ublished by (NULL)oadstar";
- 8690 [142]
- 10000 [159]15,8,15,"s0:santa clues":[160]15:[148]"santa clues",8:[128]
- 60000 [151]53281,0:[151]53280,0:[153]"loaddef (NULL) atn (NULL) (NULL) atn len (NULL) (NULL) val (NULL)"
- 60010 [153]"print atnn right$rreverent (NULL)uest for a"
- 60020 [153]" ascamous (NULL)hilanthropist"
- 61000 [151]214,15:[153]
- 61110 [153]" listfrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefre"
- 61120 [153]" print# "
- 61130 [153]" (NULL) atn (NULL) (NULL) atn len (NULL) (NULL) val (NULL) "
- 61140 [153]" by right$an atndam (len) 1989 by (NULL)oftdisk "
- 61150 [153]" (NULL)ublished on (NULL)(NULL)atnstr$(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL) #67 "
- 61160 [153]" (NULL)ubscriptions 1-800-831-2694 "
- 61170 [153]" atnll (NULL)ights (NULL)eserved "
- 61180 [153]" "
- 61190 [153]" pokepospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospos"
- 61200 [129]z9[178]0[164]2000:[130]:[142]